日本のうち – げんかん Houses in Japan – Entrance Hall

During our Japanese sessions, we have been looking into some features of houses in Japan. This week, our younger students learnt what to do (and not to do) at a げんかん genkan (entrance hall) of a Japanese house.

Firstly, we watched this video explaining what to do at a げんかん. We learnt that one shall take off his/her shoes at a げんかん in a certain manner.

Then, we pretended that we were entering a Japanese house and tried to use our good manners to take off our shoes. It was rather tricky. (Please ask your child/ren why.)

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Then, the visitors to the Japanese house were offered some green tea in Japanese cups.

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たのしかったです。It was fun.

日本のうち – Houses in Japan – More videos

Here are links to some more videos on houses in Japan. Even as a Japanese national, I enjoyed watching these videos. I hope you find them rather interesting.

Only In Japan – Amazing Japanese Toilets

Japan’s Micro Apartment Boom

Apartments and Condominiums

Traditional Folk Houses

If you remember a film called “My Neighbor Totoro”, you would enjoy this video.

Totoro – Mei and Satsuki’s House